A Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports management game for the PC deskop/laptop. Run any of 25 different MMA companies and compete to become the best in the world. Find the next generation of MMA stars and watch them become legends in the sport.
- 3700+ Fighters over 21 weight divisions.
- Up to 63 titles for your company, 3 for each weight division.
- Full Mod system so that you can make your own real life or fictional mod game. Enter any fighter you want or even put yourself in the game. Enter pictures and even videos.
- Man management system where you can move your fighters between your main company and two feeder companies, for fighter development/appraisal.
- Sign and buy fighters. Buying fighters is more expensive than signing free agents but is a fun feature when your company starts making money.
- CEO (You)/ Fighter relationships. Keep your best fighters winning or they might want to sign with another company. Also fighters are not too pleased when facing fighters on performance enhancing drugs or those that can't make weight.
- Personal relationships. For mod games where you can put in 70 pictures and 20 videos of your favorite fighter and receive this media with messages while playing through the game.