Well balanced game that has me hooked

User Rating: 10

Many good things can be said about this game, but an important one for me, and the thing that after four years of playing still has me thinking “this is so good” is how well the game is balanced and layered. Not only is it NOT pay-to-win, but there are several mechanics in place that mean it’s hard to be at the top just by playing the most. Instead the game rewards long term planning and careful management.

In addition, the game is very good at gradually introducing new concepts, so that new players don’t have to worry about every aspect of the game (even though there’s still a lot to think about!) right away. At each stage of progression there will be something new to think about in terms of your career.

This is not a game for people who want to jump in and taste instant success, but for those who fancy something more cerebral and strategic, you will be rewarded for trying out GPRO!