Adam Ryland

Adam Ryland, graduated from Aston University in 2001 with a degree in Computer Science, Adam joined Wrox Press Ltd. that summer and spent the next 2 years as the Chief Editor and Project Manager of Wrox’s .NET web sites, C#Today and VBToday, and also contributed as an editor to the ASPToday web site and several of Wrox’s successful .NET Handbook titles. Recently, Adam developed the critically acclaimed Total Extreme Wrestling. Adam currently lives in the none-too-sunny climates of Birmingham, England.


User Avg

Total Extreme Wrestling 9 TEW IX

-10% SALE

Total Extreme Wrestling IX (TEW IX) by Adam Ryland introduces a host of new features and enhancements to elevate the gaming experience. The game will feature enhanced avatars, offering a fresh visual appeal and more personalized representations of in-game characters. The popular Touring System is making a return, allow...[Read More]



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Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 TEW2020

-10% SALE

In this version, Grey Dog Software has completely taken the game apart, rewritten the underlying architecture, and then put each feature back in one-by-one, revamping and upgrading as he went along. The end result is that while you’re still going to recognize the game as being part of the TEW series, it’s effectively a...[Read More]



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World of Mixed Martial Arts WMMA5

-10% SALE

World of Mixed Martial Arts 5 Features 1-8 players can take control of MMA organisations around the world or choose to simply watch the game world evolve over time. Use your scouting network to search the globe for future superstars, negotiate with them to sign contracts, then match them up against other figh...[Read More]


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World of Mixed Martial Arts WMMA4

WMMA4 includes numerous enhancements and improvements over WMMA3 including allowing multiple players (up to 8) the ability to control MMA organizations around the world, an enhanced scouting and player negotiation system, revamped fight engine and a more unpredictable and evolving fight environment. 1-8 players can ...[Read More]