FPS-Football Pro98 20 Years Ago

Front Page Sports: Football Pro ’98

Free to Play Hall of Fame Classics

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FPS-Football Pro98 20 Years Ago

User Rating: 9.1

It was a wonderful game 20 years ago. Had all the teams and players of that time. You could design your own league, create plays, set schedules, and had tons of player rating and setting that really made an impack on game play. You were the headcoach and had full control over what your team did. Not only did you choose your offencive and defencive styles but you could design new plays from scratch and add them to your playbook. Though the graphics where not the best, even in that time period, that was not what people who played the game were interested in. It was the authenticness of the simulator gameplay that you had 100% control over. The downside of the game was the AI simulations of games. If that game was regenerated into modern form with modern-day AI capabilities it would be the most authentic football game ever.